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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Pieces Fall Into Place

I mentioned in my last post that I would be sharing pieces of 2013 with you all.  It was definitely an opportunity to learn and grow.  So this week my topic is: The Pieces Fall Into Place. Well technically it was supposed to be my post for last week but since it's now Tuesday January 21st, I'll write again later this week.

I was sharing with someone that my 2012 was very much so connected to 2013.  In 2012, I graduated from college, started a new job, and sought out a church home.  Now there were other events but those were my "big three."  From those three things alone I am constantly reminded that our life events are threaded together.  It all ties and connects in some way.

I remember in my last semester before graduating seeing my friend Jamila and telling her I hope I'd land a job.  She said to me something to the effect of, "What do you mean? You already have a job."  And I thought, did she not just hear me? I am looking for jobs.  She then repeated herself and it was like the light bulb came on.  She was speaking victory over my life more than I was in that moment.

So through the process of getting a job in 2012 and God bringing me to my church home (The Tabernacle, in 2013 I am reminded that the pieces of our lives, our stories, the journey...they all come together in such an amazing way.  I've now made it a saying of mine through joy and hardship that things will work out because it always does.  And Jamila is that reminder in my heart and head that things are worked out because God's already done it.

Well, that's it for now! I'm thinking my next entry will be about my journey to finding a church home, but we shall see.  I leave with you this Anita Wilson song I recently sang for an event this January. Here's the link if it won't pop up on mobile devices,

p.s. The Mixstory is almost complete.  Just a few final touches.  And if I may have a prayer request of you, please pray that God will help me to keep focus on His purposes for my life and to focus on Him alone.  And pray that my mind will not wander.   Thank you!

Friday, January 10, 2014

2014 New Beginnings & 2013 Year in Review

Well, it's the beginning of 2014!  It's crazy to think of how long it's been since I last wrote a post on my blog.  Actually,  I'm having to rewrite this because everything I just typed did not save.  Can you feel my pain?

Perhaps this post was just meant to be shorter in length than originally intended.  Well anyhow, I'm looking forward to what this year has in store.  I took some time last year to refocus my attentions as some of you may know.  

In 2012, I graduated from college and continued hosting my online radio show, The Lighthouse, and led a virtual accountability group called the Intensive Care Unit (ICU),  That came to a halt in 2013 because of other priorities.

Those other priorities included attention to God, my family, friends, myself, finding a church home, music, my job, and well I think that about covers it.  From all those "attention getters", attention to God and myself is where a lot of the growing process took place.

I will be blogging weekly for the next month or so and will share with you pieces of my journey through 2013 and my visions and expectations for 2014.  And if you're wondering if I'll jump back on the Lighthouse and ICU, I'm really not sure at this point.  To date, I am not being led in that direction but I am in expectation of a lot of change within just the first quarter of the year so we shall see.

2014 will be an incredible year because I serve an incredible God.  There will be joy.  There will be sorrow.  Yet there will be JESUS.  And that's good news!

Happy New Year!
Carlena Prophet aka Tacara Journey