There was a girl standing up naked while a guy painted a picture of her. In the midst of him painting, he began to have flirtatious conversation. She was undeniably captured by his words as he continued to paint the portrait of her flesh.
It was as if I was not present in the room. And while this girl did not recognize what was happening, beyond the skin, I saw the deeper part of who she was. I saw what she had not even recognized in her own self.
I saw a need for validation. A need for self-worth. A need for value. A need to be wanted. A need for identity.
Then all of a sudden my presence was recognized and I automatically began to speak words of life to the girl. Paraphrased it was something to the effect of, "Do you not see who you are? You don't need a painter, a man, anyone to tell you about the beauty that is you. If you want an image of what you look like then look your own self in the mirror and discover HER. When you look at that painting that this man created, it will be his interpretation of who you are. When you look in the mirror, it will be God's defined answer to who you are." I woke up from the dream and for some reason I kept talking to the girl as if she were in my room.
The point of sharing all of this is for someone to recognize beauty must be reflected by self through the eyes of God. Too many times we make attempts to determine our self-image by the image others tell us they visualize of us. Someone else's definition of who you are does not tell you who you are.
Your beauty is rooted in the Creator who made you, the God who breathed life into you and said there would be only one you placed on this Earth...never to be created or replicated again. When you look in the mirror at yourself you should see more than just a physical image. You should see your dreams, your ambitions, your personality, you should see everything that makes you so lovable and embraceable to the world. You should see why God loves you and why He created you. You should see your purpose.
Yes, all of that is bundled up into the face, the body, the smile that you look at in the mirror. No one else can validate that but YOU.
And this is not to say that your physical body doesn't have its own appeal because it should and it does. When I look in the mirror I love certain features I have. I love my nose, even though I've been told it looks like a pig nose. I love my eyes, despite folks that point out the sties I tend to get. I love my ears, although I've heard some say they stick out. I love my lips, regardless of others thinking I have an addiction to lip gloss. lol
I choose not to allow the opinions of others to determine the worth of what I see in my own mirror. If you noticed, everything I wrote that I love about me came first in that last paragraph. All other opinions are secondary. The world didn't create me, God did. So I appreciate, love, and respect what He's given me.
I have to say appreciate what He's given me because everything on my physical body isn't that gorgeous to me, but I thank God for it and I work to improve those things I would like to see differently. While I believe God blessed me with a pretty face, I still wear makeup sometimes to give it a wow factor. While I didn't like the look of my teeth because some of those jokas were crooked lol, God blessed me to get them straightened with braces. While I don't particularly like my feet, I praise God that I can walk and I throw some polish on them and wear cute shoes.
When you see your own self and know you look good the value of other people's perception of you, whether good or bad, will carry less weight in the mirror.
Check out this song Beautifully Made by Leah Smith
Psalm 139:13-16 (The Message)
Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;
you formed me in my mother's womb.
I thank you, High God—you're
Body and soul,
I am marvelously made!
I worship in
adoration—what a creation!
You know me inside and out,
you know every
bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made,
bit by bit,
how I was
sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, you watched
me grow from conception to birth;
all the stages
of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared
before I'd
even lived one day.
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