August 2015
I am currently on vocal rest. Now this isn't a strict "do not talk or sing whatsoever" vocal rest. Communication is a huge piece in my daily job responsibilities so I don't have the flexibility to be silent 24/7. But it has meant that I am not singing on our worship team at The Tab along with declining other events that I've been requested for as a soloist. When I sing for longer time frames or have to project with great volume, my voice becomes very hoarse. This week alone, I've felt like I've had a scratchy voice all week. My lower range is pretty strong but my higher range is lacking.
Many people have been praying for me. And I so so appreciate it! I am scheduled to return to an ENT doctor for a follow-up appointment in September so I will keep you all posted via social media. This has been tougher on me than I imagined. I thought my voice would be fully restored by now, but through it all God has been faithful. The Mixstory has been well received by you and I have continued to keep my commitments as you will see...
July 2015 Recap
A few of my friends came out to the Red Light Café to catch Rissi Palmer's show! She is fantastic! And so was her guitarist Charles! |
In May I told myself I would not take on any new performances, worship events, etc. for the sake of helping my voice get back in shape. So I instead took time to catch two singer/songwriters, whose music I love, perform here in Atlanta.
My sister Katrina and I waiting for doors to open at Vinyl for the Emily King concert! We had a BLAST! |
I was introduced to Rissi Palmer's music about 2 years ago through a friend who knows I love country and soul music. And Emily King is an artist I've listened to since I was in high school. Huge fan!! Check out their music below!
This is a remixed version of Rissi's song! Find her online at
I've been #TeamEmilyKing for years! Find her online at
My birthday month! This past June, one of my great friends united in marriage to a great man. She asked me to sing for the ceremony 2 years prior. I had no idea the song she'd request would be my own! Such an honor to sing Bonded by You! My friend Tai and I performed a duet of this song at my CD release event so I am sharing a snippet of it with you all.
May 2015 Recap
I sang on Atlanta 57 again! And to my surprise and joy, I was featured for an interview that day. A truly great experience! If you missed it, be sure to 'like' my fan page. The past two times, I've posted it as a Facebook event and that's how everyone stays current with me, I love having the opportunity to minister to the viewers of Atlanta Live!
April 2015 Recap
I met Damien Ellison a few years ago and we both share a great passion for worship. He reached out to me some time last year regarding a worship event he was hosting as he completed his Master's program at Liberty University. We had a good time singing his song Run To You!
March 2015 Recap
I think one of the best ways for you to capture what my release event was like is by going to my fan page and exploring the pictures. Check out the #MarchIntoLove Release Event Photo Album here.
Photo courtesy of Grace Lee Photography I designed the button you see above to reflect the message of my music. More specifically, it reflects the message of Conversations. Guests received this as a thank you memorabilia for coming out! We also fed them which they weren't expecting! The lyrics are, "...God said your beauty is more than what you're seeing in the mirror. The greatest love, I have supplied it. Internalize it." You can't see it from this picture but on the opposite side of the button is a mirror. Its purpose is to serve as a reminder that no matter how many times you look at yourself on the outside. The essence of who you are flows from what's inside of you. |
Thanks for reading!
Once my voice is fully restored it will definitely be time to give you guys a new cover or something! For now, here's That Beat!
Written and Arranged by: Carlena Prophet
Produced by: Tai Habersham,
All Vocals by: Carlena Prophet
For more updates like this one, subscribe via email (to the right)! Don't forget to subscribe on YouTube also, There's a new video there of me and my oldest sister Sabrina.
To purchase physical copies of The Mixstory, Vol. 1: Tales of Love please click here! Love you guys!
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